Gastric Sleeve Surgery – The Complete Guide

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), another name for Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Surgery, is a restrictive procedure in which the stomach is removed. Nearly 85% of the stomach is taken out along the larger curve, where the hunger hormones, called Ghrelin, live. The surgery changes neurohormonal changes in the brain and stomach. Gastric sleeve in Brisbane completely changes how much food is eaten, how much you want to eat, and how you feel about food.

Why Would You Pick Gastric Sleeve?

During gastric sleeve surgery, the stomach is shrunk to make a long-term tool that helps people lose weight. The sleeve is one of the most common weight loss surgeries done today. It has a low rate of problems and a high rate of success. There are two main reasons why people who want to lose weight choose gastric sleeve surgery:

a. How to Treat Obesity: Lapband surgery in Brisbane, like gastric sleeve, can help people who are overweight or obese lose weight quickly and for good. The sleeve operation changes the patient's starting point and gives them a new perspective and a second chance.

Our brain is a big part of how we keep track of our weight. The brain gets used to our body weight and uses it as a set point. Dieting to lower the set-point (metabolic thermostat) of the body releases hormones that slow down the metabolism and make you feel more hungry. This is why it's impossible to achieve lasting weight loss by dietary and physical activity changes alone.

b. Treatment of Multiple Illnesses: Bariatric surgery can cure or control health problems like diabetes, sleep apnea, heart disease, and some types of cancer caused or made worse by being overweight.

  How Gastric Sleeve Works

After a gastric sleeve in Brisbane, the patient's new stomach can hold about 85% less food (and calories). This makes the person feel full faster and longer.

i.Gastric sleeve surgery is a restrictive procedure. A smaller stomach means fewer calories. The person can only eat a big meal at a time and has to learn how to eat less.

ii. Most of the hunger hormones on the top of the stomach are taken away. The new stomach makes much less of the hunger-controlling hormone Ghrelin.

iii. After gastric surgery, the body gets used to the levels of Leptin in the blood again. The hormone leptin is in charge of feeling full and satiety.

The tiny new pouch makes the empty stomach faster, so there is less time for food to be digested. This is the same effect that gastric bypass has on malabsorption.


The road to lapband surgery in Brisbane is prolonged. On average, it takes nearly two years to get to the weight you want. Maintaining a healthy weight requires a lifetime of habit modification. It's a challenging way out. You have to work hard every day and be dedicated (forever). Continue to learn, keep good habits, and celebrate your small wins.


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