Things you Require to Know Before Booking an Appointment for Haemorrhoidectomy or Ingrown Toenail Surgery

Haemorrhoidectomy is a common term in today's generation's dictionary because hemorrhoids or varicose veins of the anal canal are quite common. However, have you ever cared to know what exactly the term means or what procedures are involved in it? If yes, then you possibly have landed at the perfect place. 

This article is all about informing every detail you need to know about haemorrhoidectomy. It will also boost your knowledge regarding ingrown toenails, such as what causes it and what exactly is done during its surgery. Thus, if your interest is piqued, all you need to do is give a read. 




Haemorrhoidectomy can be defined as the surgical removal of hemorrhoids. These contain various swollen blood vessels covered by the anal lining. The hemorrhoids in our body are primarily located haemorrhoidectomy in the 3, 7, and 11 o'clock positions. The common symptoms of hemorrhoids are mainly bleeding, lumps, itch, and discomfort or pain.

The traditional surgery of hemorrhoids involved cutting and separating the hemorrhoids. That resulted in leaving quite some wounds open. The advanced haemorrhoidectomy, commonly known as stapled haemorrhoidectomy, possesses certain advantages over the traditional process. It causes less pain and also avoids any chances of an open external wound. This new approach involves the removal of a strip of the surrounding tissue.

This, however, is only suitable for circumferential and internal hemorrhoids of moderate size. It is not considered ideal for very large hemorrhoids or those with a chance of significant prolapse or external components. 

Inflammation of the toenail is undoubtedly a situation most of us have seen or experienced. The swelling and inflammation rendered due to the ingrowth of the nails cause immense pain.

Therefore, another popular modern surgical procedure around the medical field is the surgery of ingrown toenails. The purpose of ingrown toenail surgery is to remove the ingrown portion of the to enail and the corresponding nail root. This surgery is a partial nail excision that is generally performed under a local anesthetic. This particular surgery is primarily done to prevent regrowth or recurrence of the ingrown toenail.

Both hemorrhoids and ingrown toenails are common yet severe health issues. Therefore, you should not wait it out if you face either of the conditions mentioned above. If you witness any of the cited symptoms, you should seek medical consultation immediately.



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